kwi 06 2004

"When I'm gone"

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" There's another world inside of me

That you may never see

There's secret in this life

That I can't hide

Well, somwhere in this darkness there's a light that I can't find

Or maybe it's too far away, or maybe I'm just blind.

So hold me when I'm here, right me when I'm wrong

Hold me when I'm scared And love me when I'm gone

Everything I am and everything in me

Whants to be the one you wanted me to be

I'll never let you down even if I could

I'd give up everything If only for your good...

Roaming through this darkness, I'm alive but I'm alone

And part of me is fighting this

But part of me is gone..."                                         "When I'm gone"

Nawet juz nie bede pisac o co chodzi. Zawsze sie przygnebiam jeszcze bardziej, kiedy wszystko tu wywlekam.. Powiem tylko, ze czesc mnie chce sie pozbyc tych uczuc, a czesc wyraznie ich szuka.. Mam nadzieje, ze juz pojutrze odnajde spokoj..

angelseyes : :
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